An Easy and Simple Guide to Choosing The Perfect Rug - by Interior Design Experts

An Easy and Simple Guide to Choosing The Perfect Rug - by Interior Design Experts

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When it comes to interior design, there are some elements that are so easy to overlook, but they can add so much value and purpose to a space.

Often, it is important to create a meaningful balance in any interior design, meaning that both style and function are adequately used in order to ensure that a space not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also fulfills the need that it was designed for.

Despite being considered more as an accessory to a room, rugs can both be stylish and functional. With the versatility that rugs can have, they are an excellent choice in adding the finishing touches to a space, particularly for flooring where most rugs are used for. But as a fun fact, some rugs can also be hung up on walls to be used as a decorative item.

Having a rich historical background, rugs, also sometimes referred to as carpet, have been used in design for many centuries. As a matter of fact, rugs have been around for so long that they can be traced back to ancient times where they were used as decorations back then. To this day, rugs are still commonly used and there are many ways to make use of this timeless design accessory.

At Stewart-Schafer, we are experts in interior design & architecture creating purposeful interiors in New York & Connecticut. We understand how important it is to make use of all available design accessories that can make a room stand out. Picking out a rug for a space may seem like a simple task, but there are many considerations that you should keep in mind before selecting one.

In this blog, we will share some insight on the ideal areas to place a rug, and what you may want to know when choosing a rug for your home.

The Ideal Spot for a Rug - Advice from an Interior Design Expert

In every room of a space, a rug could arguably be placed there, depending on its intended purpose. Whether it is to just add a nice decorative touch to a space, or to serve as an added means to keep a space clean from footsteps, rugs can be multipurpose and they are not just limited to one function.

It is important to make sure that the rug is placed in a manner that is still practical. Depending on the material of the rug, some are more prone to damage than others, which means that they may be best suited for certain rooms.

With this in mind, consider some of these suggestions below with where you can place a rug.


Circling back to the idea of using design elements that are stylish and functional, adding a rug to the entrance of a home can be a good way to not only add some design to the space, but to also ensure that it is usable. A rug can be added to any entrance way which may often have a lot of foot traffic, and a rug can help in maintaining the cleanliness of the flooring.

Living Rooms


One of the most common areas to place a rug is in the living room, particularly within proximity of a couch and/or coffee table. Depending on the type of flooring that is available in a space, adding a rug to the living room area can add a nice soft touch of texture, while also adding a touch of design to the space. In addition, a rug can also add a sense of perimeter to the living area, where it can divide the flooring space strategically.

Office Spaces

With working from home being a common norm now, having a well-designed office space is a must for those who want to have a space that is solely dedicated to work. One of the key things to keep in mind with a home office is to ensure that it is comfortable, and adding a rug to your office will not only add a bit of comfort with its soft texture, but it will also make it look more appealing.

Keep in mind, there are so many other spaces that are great spots to add a rug in. From kitchens, to bathrooms, the design possibilities with rugs are endless, and these are just a few suggestions to help if you are looking for design inspiration.

Now that you know where to place a rug, you also need to consider what to look for when you are selecting a rug for a room.

What to Keep in Mind When Selecting a Rug

If you go to any furniture store, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of options that are available. With accessories like rugs, the choices are also endless, to the point where some stores are even solely dedicated to selling rugs.

While balancing the need for design and practicality, there are certain things to keep in mind when choosing a rug. From size, to textures, we will explore these in further detail to assist you in making the right decision when deciding on the right rug for a specific room. Read on below on the rug considerations that you should be aware of.

Size and Shape

Rugs can come in many different sizes and shapes, depending on the amount of room you are working with, this should be top of mind as this will certainly influence the type of rug that you select. We usually recommend buyers to get a feel for the rug and envision how it would look in a space. But also be mindful of the purpose that the rug will serve, and even if it is just intended to create a border within a space, you want to ensure that it is neither too big or too small as it may be overwhelming for the space’s design.

Fiber and Texture

While keeping in mind as to what room the rug will be used for, you should also consider the fiber and texture that a rug has to determine if it is the right fit. Some materials are more durable than others, which is why using a viscose or silk rug may not be a good idea if it will be prone to constant footsteps as it may wear down easier. Tied to the fiber of the rug is the texture that it has, remember to choose a rug that will have a texture that goes along with the overall atmosphere that you are hoping to achieve in the room. For instance, if you are looking for maximum comfort, choosing a soft, fuzzy rug may be in your interest, if it aligns with your design intent.

Design and Color

A rug should aim to complement the design of a room. You do not want to pick out a rug that does not have any similar design elements to the room that you are decorating, because if you do, it may look out of place and potentially hinder the overall design aesthetic of the space. A rug should be used to ground a space, and often we suggest for buyers to pick out a rug that is neutral so that it does not look overbearing. Rugs with strong, vivid colors and/or bold patterns can be distracting, and they may be more difficult to decorate with as it may require a very specific style to go along with it.

A final piece of advice that we would like to offer is to get creative. While it is often easier to stay on the safe side and choose design styles that are cookie cutter and conventional, sometimes stepping out of the box and selecting a rug that may not always align with your design idea could do wonders for your space. But we say this with caution, as we still do believe that neutral and timeless designs for rugs can be your best bet if you are unsure about selecting the right style.

There are plenty of other considerations to keep in mind when selecting a rug, but these are just the gist of what you may want to keep in mind. Knowing that choosing a rug can be a challenge for some, it may be in your interest to work with a skilled interior designer who has ample knowledge in finding the best rugs that can work for your space.

If you have an interior design project in New York or Connecticut that requires some professional expertise, contact us today! We offer no obligations phone calls to answer any of your questions or concerns.

Stewart Schafer is an Interior and Architectural firm based in New York and Connecticut, click here to view some of our past projects and see how we can help.

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