How Residential Interior Design Can Cultivate a Happier Home

How Residential Interior Design Can Cultivate a Happier Home


  • Successful interior design has an extreme impact on the emotional well-being of the homeowners
  • Good interior design meets the needs of the homeowners in a subtle yet profound way
  • Choosing colours is crucial as they can affect the functionality, emotions, moods of the space
  • Incorporating sunlight, indoor plants and natural materials all contribute to the overall positive well-being of the space
  • Personalizing the space with meaningful objects contributes to a happy home, while implementing Feng Shui for a positive energy flow contributes to happiness within the home
  • Sensory elements should not be overlooked when creating a happy home, as they further enhance relaxation and happiness
A cozy living room featuring a brick fireplace, a beige sectional sofa with cushions, and two wooden armchairs around a circular coffee table. The room is well-lit with large windows, recessed lighting, and two floor lamps. A plant and wall art add decorative touches.
Photo by Francesca Tosolini from Unsplash

Within the world of residential design services, there is a universal truth that all successful interior designers and architects know: our surroundings have a significant impact on our emotional well-being. A space that is well-designed has the ability to lift spirits, inspire creativity and seamlessly meet all the needs of the homeowner's lifestyles, while a home that is poorly designed can lead to the occupants feeling stressed and overwhelmed. A key to designing a happy home goes beyond simply aesthetics to one that resonates with people on a subconscious level. Continue reading to learn more.

The Subtle Power of Good Design Within Residential Design Services

Good interior design often goes unnoticed as everything with the space just feels right. From furniture placement to the colour scheme of the home, all aspects work together to meet the needs and preferences of the homeowners without it being obvious. On the other hand, when a space is poorly designed or executed, it is instantly noticed regardless of whether the cause can be pinpointed or not. That's why the overall goal of interior design is to touch the lives of its inhabitants in a subtle, yet profound way that supports the overall well-being of the owners.

Utilize Color Wisely

Arguably, choosing the colour palette for a home is one of the most important factors to consider when designing the space as a positive influence on mood and energy.  A benefit to working with professionals within the building industry is that they are experts in colour psychology and will have great recommendations and ideas on the variety of colours to use within the space. For example, incorporating warm tones which are on the red scale throughout the building can evoke feelings of happiness and comfort while also sparking feelings of anger and rage, so it is important clients are flexible with their colour choices and trust the professionals to pick the right colours to boost the functionality of the space. Colours such as blue and green are extremely popular in spaces where relaxation and focus are encouraged, as they soothe the mind and promote concentration. It is important to choose the right backdrop for a happy space as colours play a huge factor.

Maximize Natural Light

Another way to create happiness within the home is to utilize all of the natural light as possible. Sunshine has been proven to have a number of health benefits on humans, such as boosting mood and encouraging productivity. As sunlight has been proven to increase serotonin, it is crucial that the architecture of the space allows for the maximum amount of sunlight to come through as it also brings in the warmth of the sun to the various living spaces throughout the home which has a positive effect on one's mental health. For those who already have a developed home and are looking to increase the happiness in their spaces through natural light, there are a few options one could utilize. Window treatments that allow sunlight to filter through have become extremely popular while utilizing mirrors and other reflective surfaces throughout the space are a cost-effective yet smart option to use as they allow for the light to bounce off of the reflective surfaces around the room. This gives the illusion of a happy home full of sunlight.

Bring Nature Indoors

Incorporating elements of nature into the home is a great way to boost the happiness within the home. Indoor plants not only purify the air and offer numerous health benefits, but they also aid in reducing stress in people while increasing feelings of well-being. For many people, including the elderly, having plants within their home gives them a purpose and sense of belonging, all of which greatly contribute to the overall well-being and feelings of happiness within the home. For those looking to take it a step further, the interior design team working on the projects may choose to include natural materials such as stone, wood or bamboo as they enhance our connection to the natural world. Incorporating these elements keeps us grounded and aids in creating a calm and happy atmosphere within the home.

bathtub surrounded by luscious plants
Photo by Lisa Moyneur from Unsplash

Personalize the Space with Meaningful Objects

Once the base of the home has been set, personalizing the space with objects that hold significance are an invaluable way to increase happiness within the home. For many people, this may look like showcasing souvenirs they bought while on holiday in another country, family pictures, artwork that they are drawn to, or other items that evoke positive memories for the family or individual living in the space. It is these personal touches which many people choose to incorporate, as they are impactful and can be cost-effective.

Foster Positive Energy Flow

Often overlooked, positive energy within the home is crucial for creating a home that boosts happiness. Spaces that utilize the concepts of Feng Shui and focus on creating areas that prioritize harmony and flow are typically the spaces that are most successful in fostering happiness. Interestingly enough, arranging the space following these principles goes beyond just affecting mood, as some people believe it also has the ability to impact fortune as well. Those who focus on creating happy spaces inevitably declutter, organize and arrange their furniture in a way that fosters positive energy flow, which is important for the homeowner's mental state and productivity.

Create a Relaxing Atmosphere

Lastly, and often overlooked, creating a sensory experience within the home is a great addition to creating a happy home. Incorporating soft textiles, ambient lighting, calming scents and heated tile throughout the home all work together to create a sensory experience like no other. A bonus to utilizing the senses is that homeowners can personalize their space so that they can choose what helps them to unwind and recharge in a safe space.

Overall, the importance of interior design cannot be overlooked when creating a happy home. Ultimately, it goes beyond simply furniture and choosing colours on a whim; it's about creating a space that resonates with the owners on a deep level. By incorporating good design, choosing colours intentionally, maximizing natural light throughout the home, personalizing the space with meaningful and personalized objects, fostering positive energy flow within the home and creating a relaxing atmosphere through the senses, experts of residential design services can create environments that are relaxing and tranquil within the home. If you are interested in crafting a happier home through interior design, please contact us today and we will be happy to help you get started!

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